The Melbourne Cup will make its way to Rochester this October ahead of the race that stops the nation. Photo: AAP Image/James ...
Brisbane's home prices are now second only to Sydney's, with many people under housing pressure. -AAP Image Australia's real ...
Yangama Jokwiro was just one of the many graduates who celebrated on Friday, May 31 as he finished his PHD in Nursing. Photo ...
The police interview of Carol Clay and Russell Hill's accused murderer has been shown at his trial. -PR Handout Image Accused ...
A former Sydney council employee accused of funnelling construction works to a subcontractor for financial benefit is under ...
Foreign Minister Penny Wong says the human suffering in Gaza cannot continue. -AAP Image Foreign Minister Penny Wong has ...
An overhaul of a controversial immigration direction will be put in place in a matter of days. The man accused of killing ...
A man who was caught drink driving at more than twice the legal alcohol limit also had an unusual drug on him.
A senior Liberal senator has lashed calls for pre-selections to reopen for Josh Frydenberg to unseat a chosen female ...
Brisbane is now the second-most expensive capital city in Australia behind Sydney for home values, data from CoreLogic shows.
North Korea says it will stop sending balloons carrying rubbish over the border to South Korea but vowed to resume the ...
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has married for a fifth time at his Californian estate. -AP Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has ...